Thursday, October 18, 2012

First Post...........

What holds us back from doing something we know needs to be done? In this case, creating this blog.
Fear of the unknown, fear of making a mistake, criticism from others, fear of success, or worse failure ........the list is long and most of it is a mindset. I mull things over and think, think, think before I take action. I tend to be fairly serious and cautious, particularly when something is work related and being put out there for the whole world to see. This personality trait is not a bad one, but it means I try to ease that band aid off rather than rip it off, hairs included!!

Well, I've mulled long enough, our new website is about ready to launch and nearly everything I've read on SEO's says you need to have a blog, tell me again, what are SEO's??? ....Truly folks, I have no idea about SEO's, spiders, crawlers, etc. I am from the "old generation" - MANUAL typewrites and mimeograph machines! My kids are the computer generation! At three, John could get on the Commodore 64 and pull up a game faster than I could, Joe has been on a computer all of his life.

I decided today was the day to rip that band aid off! Fairly painless, other than my inclination to mistype (not misspell) words, over punctuate and that natural tendency to over think.

But most important is the realization:
Fear of success......or fear of failure? If you don't try, you are guaranteed to fail.

Until next week  - Rita

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